Kreinik Road Trip Feb 11 - 12


Have you always wanted to learn more about metallic threads? And visit a factory store for your stock up? The team at Poppypointe is doing a road trip in Feb to see Parkersburg, WV and meet Doug Kreinik.  

Doug provides an overview of threads and their uses and shares a kit with each attendee.  There will be a discount on shopping if you want to stock up on threads too!

Please join us to visit the Kreinik factory in Parkersburg, WV! 

Here are details and schedule:

-stitch in and welcome 1 - 4 Sunday feb 11

-dinner on your own

-thread class and tour of factory with Doug and his team 9-12 Monday Feb 12

Lunch on Monday is provided.

Transportation and hotel are on your own.  Space is limited.

Cost is $225/person

Please call the shop if you have questions 434.422.8174.

General Policies:
-attendees can bring stands, lights or whatever accoutrement needed for the stitch in

-refunds will only be offered if spot is filled

-no ANG/EGA/Poppypointe discounts offered  

-travel is arranged individually.  we can work out a car pool from Charlottesville

-hotel recommendations:  we are working on coordinating a block of rooms at a discount rate, so more to come on this front